Agra: Mustard farm

Yellow mustard flowers can be seen for miles from where we were standing. My legs were disappearing beneath me as they brushed through the base of each mustard plant. Who knows what could be living in there.  I was even starting to wonder about the other poisonous creatures - besides us - that have so willingly call this 'lalang' (tall grass in malay) home. Oh, along the way I couldn't help but notice a pile of chocolate cake (crap), I don't even want to know where that came from. Maybe it is from Ben who is busy squatting for this beautiful landscape photo, or so it was until he did it. You weren't crapping were you Ben?

As much as I can remember about Indian movies, non of it showcased a singing scene in a mustard farm. Now why is that? We were in a location that could have easily been the next Shahrukh Khan movie. 6 tourist in the middle of India's open plains in search of nothing does have some elements of comedy in it. I twitched occasionally to see who was observing us from a distance and I was surprised to find a few locals. We were indeed in a Bollywood movie after all.