I patiently lay my palms on my tummy only to feel the rumbling vibration of a super jet engine. It was ready to ignite its roaring power just to bless and celebrate this sexy hot baked dish that was about to pop out from the oven. Of course I am blessed myself for having this prepared for me (and other friends) by my sweet heart - Oliee. This is how it is made - Macaroni and creamy herb sauces, mix them all up together and lay it down first. Then smash potatoes to mesh with ingredients and lay that over next. Top it up with cheese and pop it into the oven. Enlightenment! That little window in the oven has two purpose. First to check out whether your food is still in good shape. Second to make your mouth water and eyes wet only to know that you still have another 20 minutes to wait. Every guy's nightmare. Thanks my pumpkin.
Hot baked potatoes and love
I patiently lay my palms on my tummy only to feel the rumbling vibration of a super jet engine. It was ready to ignite its roaring power just to bless and celebrate this sexy hot baked dish that was about to pop out from the oven. Of course I am blessed myself for having this prepared for me (and other friends) by my sweet heart - Oliee. This is how it is made - Macaroni and creamy herb sauces, mix them all up together and lay it down first. Then smash potatoes to mesh with ingredients and lay that over next. Top it up with cheese and pop it into the oven. Enlightenment! That little window in the oven has two purpose. First to check out whether your food is still in good shape. Second to make your mouth water and eyes wet only to know that you still have another 20 minutes to wait. Every guy's nightmare. Thanks my pumpkin.