We have just left New Delhi and this is how much of the countryside looks like. It is either scenic blue or just plain our mustard yellow. Yeah, the yellow flowers that you see in the background is actually mustard. I don't recall having mustard in my Indian food but India is producing a whole whopper of it.
The air is much better outside of New Delhi. It is fresher and less smoggy. At this point of time my throat was already starting to act up with bloody furry. It was a relief to breath in what was once called 'oxygen'. Anyway it was a short bliss before we entered Jaipur, which was also polluted to some extent.
I never got a chance to pee by the side of the highway. I know my friends did. I was so in a rush that I chose to outrun them to the one and only public toilet then. I closed my eyes and did what I had to do and ran straight back to my car. As for the others, they chose to do the more natural way. Proud of you guys!