Shah, a fictional name that I have given to this gentleman; or so he was. He was dressed in black. His shirt was of high quality and his hair was combed back to accentuate only his sleekness. He had matching pants and shoes, items that was just screaming Tourist Eater! Watch your wallet. It looks like fresh meat to him.
His store is a small little hole at the ground floor. A raccoon hole that houses materials that comes in all shades of colours. My head was swirling round and round as one item after the other was laid out before us. 'Sir, you want this? We have other designs too? How about this?' Victor asked 'Do you have this in blue?' and Shah replied 'Yes, yes... here it is!' Victor replied 'That is green, do you have blue?!' As this went back and forth, I realized that this gentleman either does not take instructions too well or he is just trying to mess with our heads. I just wanted to buy the whole shop after a while. Wake up! wake up! Hypnotics are at play here and you have to focus on that elephant T-Shirt!
Grrrrr, my stomach was starting to grumble as they went into the bargaining process. Sweat was appearing near my forehead. It had to be the yogurt, puri and curry taking into effect. Together they sounded like the opening of a tabla performance that was ready to take my breath away or kick me in my ass. The fan swaying above my head did not help much and it was starting to get stuffy anyway. Shah did not help much as he was making so much noise. It is like trying to take a dunk while someone is banging hard on the toilet door to prevent you from doing so. Keep it in maestro! It is not going to be a pretty sight.